Import This, Import That, Import Shoes, Export hat

(approx 5 min read)

Recently, I found the twisty turny way to a new Computer Club. One of its main interests is programming, I hope that another is programme design. On my first session I found out just how twisty turny a D programme can be. It starts with, enough import statements to take the space of an entire programme in APL to do the same thing. It does not use just for, but foreach, map and split as iterators. They tell me at the BAA that APL does not need iterators.

However, there is a usefull function in the D programme, an enhancement of startsWith. It does not simply match the head of a string to a single character but, to any of a string of them. It uses uniform function call syntax, and a default matching string, to simplify the interface to functionality. I suppose that it is this kind of insight into one’s own code that computer clubs are about, and the twisty turny rubbish that I coded in the mean time is just a run up to the heights of origional code.

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